Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Soon it's the end of the week! I can't wait for Friday. It's finally end of the pre-penultimate week of school and it's only left 2 weeks, and than it's official end!
Dear God, I live for the moment.
I'm going to Zagreb on Friday. I go by bus, and I hope that everything will be ok, because of the snow.
On the news thay say that the roads are in very bad condition. I only hope that I will not wait 7h because of snow blizzard. Brrrr...
Sweet dreams :*
 Butterflies in her eyes and looks to kill..


  1. Hey, Katarina! Hope the blizzard will stop and you'll have no problem getiing to Zagreb!

    Following you back with pleasure! Stay in touch!

    xx Tatiana

  2. obozavam leptirice,jos zuti..predivno ^_^

  3. Mrzim snijeg i zimu, jer mi uvijek nekako uspiju upropastit sve planirano :( nadam se da se tebi nece desiti isto. Leptirici su preslatki :)

    1. Prvi dan nije bio upropascen, ali zato druga dva jesu :( kisa.
      Hvala :*
